Become a Certified Life Coach and Learn the Skills to be a Highly Effective and Successful Coach
Over 9,000 Coaches trained since 1995
- Comprehensive Curriculum
- Small & Personal Coaching Programs
- Over 100 Proven Tools
- ICF Accredited
- Highly Rated: 5-Star Google Reviews
- Marketing Support During & After Training
Why Choose Us
As Your Life Coach Certification School?
Small group classes with extensive practice and expert feedback
Google reviews from our students are consistently 5 out of 5!
Personal attention and support each step of the way
Extensive Tools to provide coaching in all areas of life
Commitment to each person’s success as a coach
Marketing support during and after your training
Learn over 100 proven techniques that get results
ICF Accredited Coach Training Programs
Affordable programs with payment plans
Life Coach Certification
Transform Lives and Build a Meaningful Career with Our Life Coach Certification: Master Powerful Coaching Techniques for Personal and Professional GrowthOur Life Coach Certification program equips you with the tools and skills needed to transform lives while cultivating a meaningful career. Our step-by-step coaching method has empowered coaches with effective techniques for individual and group coaching. You'll gain expertise in relationship, health, career, transition and life balance coaching, enabling you to help clients overcome obstacles and achieve lasting change. With flexible schedules, personalized marketing support, and a strong alumni community, our program offers everything you need to succeed as a Certified Life Coach. Join the growing profession of coaching and make a positive impact on the world while earning a fulfilling living. Read More!
Spiritual Coach Certification
Transform Lives and Cultivate a More Meaningful Career with Our Spiritual Life Coach Training Certification: Empower Others Through Spiritual Approaches and Healing TechniquesOur Spiritual Coaching Certification integrates a spiritual perspective into life coaching. This program equips you with the same tools used for life coaching, enhanced by spiritual approaches. As a Spiritual Coach, you'll ask profound spiritual questions, discuss how clients can apply spirituality in their daily lives, and facilitate powerful spiritual and healing techniques. If helping others transform and connect with their spiritual side resonates with you, this program may be your calling. Our Advanced Specialty Course is also available for those who want to add spiritual tools to their life coaching practice, allowing you to make a profound impact in people's lives. Read More!
Life Purpose Institute Offers Two Paths To Receive An ICF Credential
Obtain your ICF Credential and take your coaching career to the next level. Our 60-170 our training programs covers the core competencies extensively and are live, and interactive with an instructor.
As ICF is the most powerful coaching organization in the world, it is anticipated that an ICF Credential will be a future new standard in the industry. An ICF credential is now a requirement for many jobs in human resources, health care, government, non-profit agencies and online platforms. There is already extensive media coverage of the coaching profession and ICF credentials. These trends are anticipated to grow. As such we recommend that students prepare for and obtain an ICF credential. Read More!

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Step 1: Submit your information to be connected with a caring Program Specialist.
Step 2: Schedule your consultation with our simple scheduling system.
Step 3: Attend your consultation to see if Life Purpose Institute can help you launch your new career path.
Step 4: Attend your class and start helping other people!