March 31

4 Obstacles to Becoming a Life Coach and How to Overcome Them

Do people come to you for advice? Do they ask for your help in navigating challenging transitions? Do you take great satisfaction in helping other people overcome obstacles? 

Maybe others have told you that you should consider becoming a life coach. You may have even said this to yourself a time or two. Many people find their calling as a life coach because they found that they’ve become the trusted source for advice among their friends and families. Their personalities are such that people feel comfortable sharing and expressing their greatest vulnerabilities. They carry themselves in such a way that people trust their judgment and value their thoughts. 

If this thought has crossed your mind in the past, what has prevented you from moving forward? As one of the leading life coach certification programs, we meet with thousands of coaches every year who have started their journey. And while we don’t always know how they got to where they are, we do know that there are some common obstacles that prevent people from following their coaching dreams. 

The four biggest obstacles we found that prevent people from beginning their coaching career are time, money and the fear of being an impostor. All three of these factors can deter people from taking the first step and convince them to think that it’s not possible for them. If you want to become a life coach but feel paralyzed by one of the obstacles described below, read on to learn more about how to bust through these blocks and get started on a life coaching certification program.  


“I just don’t have the time.” People imagine that a coaching program will be a full-time job. They assume that they won’t have enough time to dedicate to their program or that it will prevent them from managing their other responsibilities. The truth is that many of our students are already working full or part time, while taking care of their families and handling all of their other responsibilities. 

There will never be enough time in the day if you don’t want there to be. When we commit to something that we really value, we can always find the time. Consider if you are truly too busy or if there is something else that’s causing you to use time as an excuse. 

At Life Purpose Institute, we know that many coaches are able to complete their certification programs without leaving their full time jobs or hiring a nanny. We offer flexible program options to meet a variety of needs. Consider what you can eliminate and what you can delegate in order to have a few extra hours for your own personal and professional development. 


Many potential coaches worry about the cost of a certification program. Instead of thinking about it as a large expense, consider it an investment in yourself and in your future. By making the commitment to yourself to become a life coach, you can justify the cost of a program by focusing on the opportunities it will afford you, the skills you will gain and the salary opportunities in the future. In addition to these benefits, you will also have the chance to greatly impact the lives of others. 

For many people, these benefits alone are enough to justify the cost of a training program. However, money is an obstacle that many people have difficulty getting over. If you truly want to gain your certification find a school that is more in your price range.

Think about the ways you could earn extra money. Some coaches have taken on side gigs to help fund their education. Others have thought of savvy ways to save money. The old adage is true: if there is a will, there is a way. 

Fear of Failure

People are often concerned that they will fail with a new endeavor.  What is they don’t succeed?  What will others think?  What if they can’t make enough money to pay their bills. Someone getting started with a coaching practice needs to set realistic expectations for how long it will take to build a successful practice and generate the income they desire.  Most people who train in coaching keep their job for financial security and build their practice over time. They don’t expect to overnight have a busy practice.  Those that are successful also learn effective marketing strategies, get feedback on their marketing materials on approaches, and through trial and error discover what’s going to  work in attracting clients.

New coaches also have to work through their fears and insecurities.  Schools like Life Purpose Institute’s have as an essential component working through your blocks and overcoming fears and self doubts.  You get coaching yourself so you leave training feeling more  positive, confident, and prepared

Imposter Syndrome 

Perhaps one of the most debilitating obstacles to potential coaches is the fear of being an impostor. Impostor syndrome tells us that we are not skilled enough  educated enough or experienced enough to do the job. It tells us that others will see through the facade. It convinces us that our clients won’t find value in working with us and that we will not be successful. 

As you can see, this can be a very difficult obstacle to overcome. It is critical that you understand that everyone comes to coaching with a unique set of skills and experiences that no other coach can replicate. You are uniquely positioned to help specific clients. 

Your job is to find those clients and provide them with the value that they deserve. Your job is not to be the ideal coach for everyone. When you think about it that way, it can relieve some of the pressure that potential coaches feel and breakdown the obstacles that prevent them from getting started on their journey. 

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