What we believe about ourselves, and what we believe about how others perceive us, dictates what we think we are capable of. If we believe we are not educated enough to start a business, we won’t try to start a business. If we believe we are not attractive enough to find a partner, we won’t try to date.
It’s these self-defeating myths that hold us back from achieving the things we want in life. They prevent us from attempting to go after our goals because we’ve already told ourselves that they are impossible, or simply not for us. In reality, we are all capable of going after what we want as long as we have the right mindset. Negative self-talk keeps us stuck and believing the lies that we tell ourselves about our abilities and limitations.
Do Limiting Beliefs Hold You Back from the Career You Desire?
The limits we place upon ourselves often have a great impact on our careers, especially in fields such as coaching. Prospective coaches may hold on to some common myths about what it takes to be an effective coach. If you have been holding yourself back from becoming a life coach, analyze whether or not the myths below apply to you. If they do apply, how can you unravel them to reveal your truth?
5 Myths That Can Hold You Back from Becoming a Life Coach
I’m not old enough (or not young enough) to pursue this career.
Age equals experience, right? Many potential coaches feel that they are either too young or too old to start a life coaching career. On one hand, younger coaches may be under the assumption that they don’t have enough life experience to be effective. While older coaches may wonder if it’s too late to get into the coaching game.
No matter what end of the spectrum you fall, know that you are just the right age. Your success doesn’t depend on the life experiences you’ve accumulated or the number of laugh lines on your face. It will completely depend on the level of authenticity you bring to your clients.
I have to have my life all figured out.
Here’s a news flash: there is no one walking the earth who has their life completely figured out. Even if they did, inevitably something would happen to throw a wrench in their plans. That’s how life works.
An effective life coach is someone who listens, supports, motivates and holds accountable her clients. Having some messy life situations will not prevent a coach from fulfilling these duties. To be successful, no matter what is going on behind the scenes, requires a coach to be vulnerable and open.
I can’t start my life coaching career while working my day job.
Your life coaching career does not have to be the only thing you do. Nor does it have to be all or nothing. Not at first, or not ever. There are plenty of beginning coaches who choose coaching programs that allow them to study around their current work schedules.
In fact, it is smart to continue working a day job as you grow your coaching practice. Building a client list takes time and having the safety net of a day job can be a critical component in growing your coaching business.
I should give away my services until I am confident that I am effective.
Practice makes perfect. And while this is true, it does not mean you shouldn’t be paid for the services you provide. With every client, you will be learning new skills and ways of working with others that will make you better for the next time. There’s always room to learn in coaching.
Being present with your clients, truly giving your best and striving to provide value is something that clients will gladly pay for. Value yourself at the start and others will value you in return.
I’ll never get enough clients to make ends meet.
When starting out as a life coach, you are often learning to coach while learning to start a business at the same time. At Life Purpose Institute, we prepare students for the business-building aspect of the profession with a robust curriculum on building a life coaching business.
With the support we provide, students find that they are able to hit the ground running. However, don’t be surprised if it takes time to build a full client list. Like any business, growing your coaching practice takes time and perseverance.
Are you ready to take the first step in your life coaching career?
Reversing limiting beliefs may be the key to starting your coaching career. When you are ready to unleash your talents, Life Purpose Institute provides premier life and spiritual coaching programs for those who want to make a difference in the lives of others.
Our programming and one-of-a-kind support will give you the knowledge and confidence you need to create a fulfilling coaching career and business. Contact the Life Purpose Institute for information about our programs today.