August 22

How to Get in the Flow and Stay in the Flow

How to Get In The Zone And Stay There

Recently, I’ve been experimenting with getting myself in the flow and staying there especially when stressful events occur and seem to throw me off. 

What do I mean by “in the flow”? 

Flow is that state that it seems you are in sync with life and all around you. You feel peaceful, centered and are able to go with whatever happens in your day.  It seems synchronicity often seems to happen and things seem to line up magically on your behalf. Things you wanted seem to show up. 

It’s a great state and many of us would love to be in that state 100% of the time.  Then “life” happens, things show up that upset you, are hard to deal with or are negative and challenging. 

How to Get in The Flow. 

1. Notice when you’re in the flow and out of the flow.  

What is your flow like?  I notice when I’m in the flow my pace is slower, am breathing deeper, I am thinking positive thoughts to name a few things. When I’m out of the flow I feel stressed, my mind is more active, I start thinking negative thoughts. What does being in being in the flow and out of the flow like for you? 

2. Don’t let your mind go crazy.  

When things get difficult it’s easy to start thinking things like how horrible this is, what am I going to do, not again etc. When things happen, we often get triggered and start reacting and feeling ourselves upsetting things.  Reassure yourself you can handle this. You have handled these kinds of things before and it too shall pass. What you saw as a negative thing often shifts and you move forward from there. 

3. Be compassionate towards yourself. 

This may seem like a contradiction from what just said about letting your mind go crazy..  When you’re upset sometimes, we need to just feel our upset for a little bit and have compassion for what we’re going through. Feel your feelings, acknowledge the problems and issues just don’t let your mind swirl out of control with it all. 

4. Do things that support you in getting and staying in a more positive place.  

Put on healing music. Go for a walk in nature. Read something inspirational. Do anything that helps you get in a better place. What are those things for you?   Are they talking to a supportive person in your life? Praying, meditating listening a comedian who is funny, or hanging around positive people. listening to a motivational speaker. What puts you in a good place? 

5. Be honest with yourself about what things bring you down and throw you off center.  

Maybe it’s being way too busy. Maybe it’s watching too much news or watching high intensity movies or tv shows. Maybe it’s hearing too much about everyone else’s problems or being around negative people, maybe it’s not having a good sleep or eating too much sugar or junk food. What is it for you?  Knowing these things and managing them will help you stay in the flow and maintain that flow. 

6. Find ways to transform your triggers and hot buttons. 

Being in the flow means you’re not reacting and triggered most of the time. Underneath your trigger or hot button is usually a fear or emotion. It might be feeling afraid, helpless, insecure. As you are with the real issue that got triggered the trigger transforms itself.  You will actually grow by being present with triggers and moving past them. You’ll become more resilient. 

 7. Start being more kind, supportive and loving to other people. 

When you are in a kind place your energy is more open-hearted and positive and in turn you will notice people will be kinder to you and more positive things naturally occur. 

8. If you’re not in the flow stop, get centered and do deep breathing.    

First stop if things are not flowing. Get yourself centered by breathing, feeling your body, slowing down and feeling more still inside. After you get centered you will approach things in a more constructive way and be in the flow. When you feel scattered, upset, hurried, etc. is usually not when you are in the flow. Getting and staying centered is a vital part of being in the flow. 

9. Take a shower or a bath. 

Rinse off your cares and stresses. Get in the shower and consciously release what’s eating at you.  Water Is very healing for us and refreshes us and resets us. See yourself staring anew in the flow, fresh and ready to go. 

10. Give gratitude when you are in the flow, give thanks for all the good things that are happening.  

Really appreciate all the good things as they occur. Notice synchronicities, acts of kindness by others to you, little blessings as they occur. When you give thanks for what you have it allows more room to receive even more good. 

 There’s a lot you can do then to get and stay in the flow. Begin by observing when you’re in the flow and out of the flow. Watch your mind and try not to let it spiral out of control. At the same time be compassionate towards yourself during challenging times. Identify things that are positive for you and lift you up as well as identifying those things that bring you down or throw you off center, transform your triggers and hot buttons but going to the source of them. Being kind and supportive of others will put you in a positive place. Breathe deeply and slow yourself down. Get in a shower or bath and wash it all off and lastly give gratitude for being in the flow and all the thing in your life. 

Flow is a wonderful state to be in. Practice some of these methods until you find ones that work well for you. It’s well worth the time, thought and energy to live in and maintain the flow. 

Fern founder of Life Purpose Institute
Fern Gorin, P.C.C.

Fern Gorin, P.C.C., L.M.F.T. is founder and Director of Life Purpose Institute, a Life and Spiritual Coach Training Company. She had successful coaching practice for 18 years and often worked with clients on getting in the flow. 

Want to learn more about the programs at Life Purpose Institute? Schedule a Free Consultation to speak one-on-one with a Program Specialist and get all your questions answered. 

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