You are probably here because you are thinking about earning your certification for life coaching or would like to know if you have what it takes to become a life coach.
If you’re a mom, the short answer is a definite yes!
Life coaching is much more than role-playing and worksheets. It takes hard work and a passion to help others. In fact, the skill set required to be a successful life coach intertwines with motherhood effortlessly.
Let’s dive in further! Keep reading to find out if getting your certification to become a life coach is your calling.
Reason 1: Moms Already Run Their Own Businesses
Managing a household with children in 2020 is like operating a business… while suffering from severe sleep deprivation. There are schedules to follow, deadlines to meet and each child has their own individual needs.
Undoubtedly, life coaches need to be organized to successfully work with clients on an individual basis. This skill is pretty basic in the mom playbook. Moms are constantly coordinating appointments, planning for the future and budgeting to accommodate each family member.
All of these daily activities prepare a mom to become a life coach.
Reason 2: Empathy & Compassion Come Naturally.
In addition to running a household, moms put care and compassion in all that they do. Would you pay a life coach your hard-earned money if you felt they didn’t have your best interests in mind? Or worse, didn’t care?
Of course not!
That’s where the empathy and compassion of a mother are crucial. Life coaches are working with real people that require deliberate solutions. No one wants to work with a life coach who provides a cookie-cutter approach.
Clearly, moms make superb life coaches because they instinctively approach problem-solving with sincerity and genuine care.
Clients want to be heard and they need someone that can identify actions to improve their lives. Anticipating the needs of others is second nature to moms everywhere. This skill is especially important to become a life coach.
Reason 3: A Quality Life Coach Needs To Be Patient
Every day, mothers are stretched to their limits while holding their composure and putting the needs of others before themselves. Patience is a key component to becoming a life coach.
Because children need to learn every aspect of life, a mother needs to understand their learning capabilities and teach them life lessons in a way that is understandable.
A life coach does the exact same thing! They assess their client’s circumstances and offer actionable steps toward their goals.
When a client has a particularly bad day, a great life coach will have the patience to evaluate the situation and offer guidance in a non-judgmental way.
This is very similar to parenting. A mom would never leave their child stuck in an unpleasant situation. Anger and frustration aren’t necessary. She will remain patient, review what happened and offer suggestions on how to make it work the next time.
At the end of the day, a mother should become a life coach because she has patience like no other!
Reason 4: Being A Life Coach Is Hard Work
A little hard work never scared a mom and it’s exactly that kind of attitude that leads to success. Life coaching takes time and effort because it’s a serious responsibility.
Without a doubt, raising a family is tough because you’re consistently striving to set a positive example. And unless you’re new to the universe, you know that life isn’t always rainbows and cupcakes.
The work ethic of a mom is indeed what is needed to become a life coach.
Reason 5: Moms Are Natural Problem Solvers
The life experience that is learned as a mom is unparalleled. Problem resolution is instilled within moms from day one of motherhood. As time goes on and children get older, obviously methods have to change and adapt.
This constant evolution prepares moms for change and growth, unlike any other life experience. To become a life coach, you have to be like a chameleon.
The goals of clients will never be the same and when they are ready to tackle their next challenge, a life coach needs to be prepared to offer the next plan of action.
It takes a special kind of person to continuously transform. Moms do it fluently which is why they so often find success as life coaches.
Ready To Get Started?
As you can see, moms have a unique skill set for life coaching. With some training, fine-tuning and a professional certification, a mom can have a flourishing career as a life coach. If your curiosity has you thinking about becoming a life coach and you’re already a mom, this may be the career path for you.
Contact us today at Life Purpose Institute to learn more about how you can get started on your coaching certification.