The coronavirus has precipitated people being at home more than ever. Schools are closed, employees are being sent home to work. Many businesses are closing their doors temporarily or permanently. The changes are literally impacting every area of people’s lives.
Taking Care of Yourself During Trying Times
While you’re at home, here are strategies for maximizing your time and taking care of yourself. Even though times are uncertain right now, there are things you can do to make the best of the situation.
Handle any immediate or long-term crisis you are in.
If your children are at home, how are your children being cared for? Determine the facts about your career or business. If your career or business is impacted, do you need government assistance to get by financially? Do you need to re-think your next direction?
Look for the opportunities in your situation.
You finally have more time, and time is often a reason for not getting things done. First, ask yourself the question: If I only had time I would…
- Spend more time with family
- Look into the career I’d really love to do
- Complete projects you’ve been meaning to do at home or at work
- Develop useful skills that will help you in your next steps
- Get things organized
- Take up or give time to a hobby
- Exercise at home or take a walk in nature
- Spend time on spiritual studies
- Catch up with people you haven’t had time to connect with recently
- Read, etc.
Be, not do.
We are all so used to doing, most people are constantly too busy. Now is a time to slow down and just be, take a breather to just be. Maybe being looks like taking a hot bath, a leisurely walk, nice naps, mediating or praying, or getting up late. Take this as an opportunity for much needed down time and focus more on self-care. As you slow down you might find you are more in tune with what you need for good self-care. What steps can you take to experience greater well-being?
Reflect on what is most important.
When life around us dramatically changes we are forced to examine what is most important. Is it your family and friends? Your health? Taking better care of your health? Is your work meaningful and satisfying? Your spirituality? For some of us spirituality is the foundation from which our peace comes. Making some sort of contribution? How can you be a loving, caring and compassionate human being during these times? Take time to reflect on what’s most important.
Explore who you really are.
Once all activities slow down or stop, we are faced with who we really are, and some feelings may surface when we slow down. Are we in our essence happy, peaceful, loving, curious, spiritual, centered? What are you really like at your core? What is your true nature? Enjoy and honor your unique essence.
Offer your true nature and positive energy to the world.
Most of us feel the energy of a positive person. Many scientists have studied the effect of how a collective consciousness -the energy of a group effects change. All major movements in history have come because of collective consciousness. What is the energy you want to bring to the world? Can you set your intention for world to be peace and harmony, or more kindness, love and compassion? Are you living by high values and want to bring that to the world? It is a domino effect, as you intend the good, the effect ripples outward from where you are.
Have fun and laugh.
Humor is a must right now to balance things out. How can you laugh and have fun right where you are? Do you need joke books or funny films? Can you play board games, create things, get things beautifully organized, or just be silly together?
You’re home now. During this time, of course handle any crisis you’re in due to the current situation, then use this time to do things you’ve been putting off. Allow yourself to just be and don’t feel that you need to be doing every minute. Use this as a time of reflection. What is truly important to you? Who are you underneath all your busyness? What would you like to contribute to the world during this difficult time? Lastly, remember to have fun and laugh.
This difficult time shall pass.